Monday, January 12, 2009


Well today I registered for my final semester at the mountain...with joy I might add...however this may be the hardest semester of the them all....I am taking 21 hours (Abnormal Psychology, New Testament, Recreational Leadership, Coaching and Teaching Individual Sports, A&P II with Lab, Physical Science, and Church History) while maintaining 20 offices hours at the church and not to mention that D-Now is this weekend along with cuzz's D-Now is also this weekend-which my part is small but takes up there are so many things that will be taking place the next few days...It seems overwhelming but I don't think it will be as bad as it seems.... What makes my job easier is that I have much help from so many parents....this SWEET.... I appreciate them so much....any way....

....Not much else to say except keep rockin in the free world my friends and the sun doesn't always shine....but man I sure do. This is Andrew Ledbetter signing off wishing you and America Godspeed.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Throwin it down all thick and funky like!!

Well yesterday (010609) could be considered a waste of my time, however I enjoyed it greatly....The Fall, formerly ForWhereTwo, went to the studio for the third time to record songs 7,8,and9....I play the bass most of the time and for this recording session, I only laid down a bass track on one song...the reason for it being a wast of time is because I have decided to follow Jesus...haha...well yes big boy I have (my impression of Dr. Bain)...but really...I have decided to rerecord that funky lick... So far we have recorded the following songs: Leaning, His Own, Grace Like Rain, Come Thou Fount, In God, Unto the King Eternal, My Debt is Undone, and In God-Acoustic Afro Crunk Remix- With one more song to go (Intercede), rerecording whatever we desire, and mastering the mix...we should have a pretty descent Compact Disk....

Not much else to say except keep rockin in the free world my friends and a toast to Eli Clardy because...well...he can't read. This is Andrew Ledbetter signing off wishing you and America Godspeed.